Reading Favorites from 2023

Photo by Bleu on In terms of reading, just by the numbers, it was a good year. 68 books checked out from the library landed in the to-be-read pile. Some of these books, I am sad to say, were returned to the library unfinished. Certain books fit in best at a specific time. The …

It’s a Process: Where to Submit

Photo by Czapp u00c1rpu00e1d on Here are a few places to go! Getting your work published will help you realize your author goals. So how do you find open calls for work? And how do you know that it is the right place for your work? Luckily, there are some very helpful resources to …

Resources Update for December 2023

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on I've heard it said that links are a love language. This is the start of that sharing, of Resources and growth. Here are a few seeds to start: Poet: Alina Åžtefănescu: Notebook Author & Cultural Critic: Leigh Stein Literary: Jane Friedman Reading: Off Assignment Reading: Gleam: Journal of the Cadralor Writer & Editor: Erika Krause, Other Writer …

Unmet Publishing Goals

Photo by Jess Bailey Designs on Each year starts with the same goal; 100 rejections. The logic behind it is simple. Rejections mean that you are submitting work. And submitting work broadly helps increase the chances of publication. I still believe that is true. But this year, I did not write or submit much …